Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Computers Hate Me

I am stealing Eli's work laptop to quickly update for my dear readers.  I haven't forgotten you.  I have many topics that I would like to ponder in this space but for one obstacle.  The computers in this house HATE me.  Eli would argue that they hate him too, but he does still have his fabulous, MOBILE work computer to work with.  Both our home laptop and desktop have gone on strike, and it will be some time before an agreement can be reached( agreement being us forking over the funds to fix the fickle things).  I am not completely without means of communicating with the world wide web, but my Kindle Fire is a browser, and not great for any kind of serious typing.   So please know this isn't me slacking- I would love to tell you about my cupcake successes of late, the adventure of preparing the house for a second child, and the antics of my almost 3-year-old, just to name a few.  As soon as possible I will share.  I may be able to steal this marvelous machine again soon with more time to write.  Meanwhile, I am reading the posts of my fellow friend/bloggers, and will try to catch up on commenting soon as well.

1 comment:

  1. I'll look forward to your return. Those vexing computers!
